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08.02.2024 Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Vedle Slunečnic a Jedlíků jsou největší čtvrteční atrakcí Depeche Mode.
- Intro (Speak To Me)
- My Cosmos Is Mine
- Wagging Tongue
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
- Policy Of Truth
- In Your Room
- Everything Counts
- Precious
- Before We Drown
- Strangelove
- Somebody
- Ghosts Again
- I Feel You
- A Pain That I'm Used To
- Behind The Wheel
- Black Celebration
- Stripped
- John The Revelator
- Enjoy The Silence
- Condemnation
- Just Can't Get Enough
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Personal Jesus
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