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Gore - Coming Back To You
Na novem albu Ultra se zacalo pracovat v rijnu `95. Cely rok se totiz davali dohromady po turne (tedy az na Gahana, ktery se systematicky rozkladal), jen Martin natocil na desku predelavek Leonarda Cohena svou upravu Coming Back To You a Andy si po dlouholetych planech konecne otevrel restauraci.
1. Everybody Knows - Henley, Don
2. Coming Back To You - Yearwood, Trisha
3. Sisters Of Mercy - Sting & The Chieftains
4. Hallelujah - Bono
5. Famous Blue Raincoat - Amos, Tori
6. Ain't No Cure For Love - Neville, Aaron
7. I'm Your Man - John, Elton
8. Bird On A Wire - Nelson, Willie
9. Suzanne - Gabriel, Peter
10. Light As The Breeze - Joel, Billy
11. If It Be Your Will - Arden, Jann
12. Story Of Isaac - Vega, Suzanne
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