Aktuální srazy
22.03.2025 | Liberec
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03.05.2025 | Hradec Králové
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09.05.2025 | Ždiar
Depeche Mode Party v Ždiari
14.06.2025 | Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Sraz Depeche Mode
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Richard Blade: Depeche Mode nahrávají nové album

Richard Blade ve vysílání a i na svém účtu zmiňuje, že DM nahrávají nové album, dokonce přidal, že v 2021 by měli být na turné. I když se jedná o velkého kámoše kapely, je to naprosto neověřená informace.
Rob Rohm Richard Blade Official Page Did you hear the DM news direct from the band?
Richard Blade Official Page
Richard Blade Official Page They are - and planning a 2021 tour - FOR REAL!!!
IT's BACK!!! I've had so many requests for custom voicemails, ringtones, cell phone answering messages, birthday greetings, wedding wishes, and now GRADUATION MESSAGES for everyone who couldn't have a real graduation, that this weekend through Monday evening I'll be taking orders to do them.
You can send me the outline of what you would like, or just an idea of what would work and your fav artists to mention, things like:
“Hi, thanks for calling Mark. Unfortunately he can’t get to the phone right now because he’s hanging with me and Depeche Mode at a recording session for their new album. I’m Richard Blade from KROQ and Sirius XM’s 1st Wave and if you leave a message for Mark after the beep he’ll get right back to you and let you know what he and Dave Gahan were getting up to in the studio! Until then thanks for listening all these years – especially to everyone like Mark who grew up with the World Famous K-ROCK!”
“Hey Steve, Happy birthday, buddy. Your beautiful wife, Karen, didn’t know what to get the guy who has everything so she figured that maybe a big hello from one of the DJs you listen to on First Wave might work – hopefully it’s better than ANOTHER pair of socks!!! So Steve, this is Richard Blade saying a big thank you for listening all these years and I want to congratulate you on your taste in music. Karen tells me you love Siouxsie, Bauhaus, New Order and The Specials. You should be one of our DJs with taste like that! So give Karen a big hug, she loves you so much and I’ll see you, my friend, at the next big Cure show!”
And if it's a graduate:
"Jenny, it's Richard Blade here from First Wave, and I hear that you recently graduated. I know there was no big ceremony but that doesn't mean your graduation isn't important - it is, it's absolutely huge, and your Mom and Dad want you to know how proud they are of you, and as soon as concerts come back they want to take you to see your favorite band, live! So save your cap and gown and get ready to wear it to the next Duran Duran show - and maybe I can see you there too!"
For more details, and how to order, send me your email and info to .(Pro zobrazení této e-mailové adresy musíš mít zapnut JavaScript) and I'll send you all the info and hopefully you custom voice track will be back with you within 48 hours. I promise, you'll love it!!! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS.

DoMunug 7 27. červen 2020 o 18:56
Info tolik nepřekvapuje, v kostech cítit již nějaký ten pátek. Schválně, jen se pořádně protáhněte… Je to tam!

Dangerous 10 27. červen 2020 o 19:34
Richard Blade Official Page: They are - and planning a 2021 tour - FOR REAL!!!

DoMunug 11 27. červen 2020 o 20:19
Tour by byla zase třešničkou na dortu, ale co poleva, nebude ještě tak nějak covidová?
Daniel Barassi, @bratmix, Twitter:

tomas1. 12 27. červen 2020 o 21:49
Uvidíme jaké to bude album.Ale tours ,už fakt radši ne,vidět 60 ti leté pány by nebyl příjemný zážitek-)))

felis sapiens 13 27. červen 2020 o 22:47
DM nahrávajú album a Dave v ústenke zatiaľ zdraví z Manhatanu. Asi majú nového speváka.

NMDH 14 28. červen 2020 o 5:05
No….já když bych si mohl vsadit, tak bych dal na vynechání čtyřletého turnusu a očekával bych desku až tak za šest…sedm let. Samo, že mezi tím by vyšlo nějaké to Best Volume , kde budou opět stejné klipy a pár nových kousků.
Já osobně bych klidně vynechal klasické tour , ale udělal bych třeba jen v třech zemích The Trilogy. Ano….to je mé přání. Dankeverymuč

NMDH 16 28. červen 2020 o 15:33
Doplním….projekce jen a jen k dané desce. Přání scifi, ale reálně to je proveditelné. MFTM, SOFAD a?? Asi Black….. ( Ultra)

Pavel.Z 17 29. červen 2020 o 18:00
David na něčem dělá, bylo to slyšet ve videu manželky. Můžou klidně dělat s Martinem, Uenala atd. přes net. Navíc chodí po NY v bílém “nahrávacím” tričku. Dělá na nové desce DM !
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O la la lííí....