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Wagging Tongue
Text a překlad
(Dave Gahan / Martin L. Gore)
You won't do well to silence me
With your words or wagging tongue
With your long tall tales of sorrow
Your song yet to be sung
I won't be offended
If I'm left across the great divide
Believe me, they will follow
Just to watch another angel die
Watch another angel die
You won't do well to darken me
With your secrets and your lies
With your piercing code of silence
Relax enjoy the ride
I'll meet you by the river
Or maybe on the other side
You find it hard to swallow
When you watch another angel die
Watch another angel die
Another sun is rising
Another day has come
You can find me, I'll be waiting
Until the day is done
I won't be persuaded
Kiss your doubts goodbye
Everything seems hollow
When you watch another angel die
Watch another angel die
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