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Where’s The Revolution

Text a překlad.
Where’s The Revolution
You've been kept down
You've been pushed 'round
You've been lied to
You've been fed truths
Who's making your decisions?
You or your religion
Your government, your countries
You patriotic junkies
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me down
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me down
You've been pissed on
For too long
Your rights abused
Your views refused
They manipulate and threaten
With terror as a weapon
Scare you till you're stupefied
Wear you down until you're on their side
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me down
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me down
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
The train is coming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
The engine's humming
So get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Get on board
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me dowm
Where's the revolution?
Come on, people
You're letting me down
Text: Martin L. Gore
Kde je ta revoluce
Drželi vás zpátky,
motali dokolečka.
Obelhávali vás
a krmili "pravdami".
Kdo za vás rozhoduje?
Vy, nebo vaše náboženství?
Vláda, nebo země?
Vy vlastenečtí závisláci.
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
Štvalo vás to
už pěkně dlouho.
Pošlapali vaše práva,
neposlouchali vaše názory.
Manipulují a zastrašují,
hrůzou coby zbraní.
Děsí vás až ohloupíte,
pošlapou vás, až nebudete na jejich straně.
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
Vlak už prijíždí (4x)
Tak nastupte
Nastupte (3x)
Motory řvou (4x)
Tak nastupte
Nastupte (3x)
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
Kde je ta revoluce?
No tak lidi.
Zklamali jste mě.
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